Create Custom Post Types in WordPress

Create Custom Post Types in WordPress

Easily manage specific content with custom post types in WordPress. Step-by-step guide and code examples.

Understanding Custom Post Types (CPTs):

  • CPTs extend WordPress’s default post types (Posts, Pages) to manage specific content types.
  • Examples: Products, Events, Recipes, Portfolios.
  • They allow for custom fields, taxonomies, and unique functionalities.

Choosing a Method:

There are two main approaches to create CPTs:

#1. Plugin Method (Recommended for Beginners):

  • Use a user-friendly plugin like “Custom Post Type UI” or “Pods.”
  • These plugins offer a graphical interface for creating and configuring CPTs.
  • Pros: Easier setup, no coding required.
  • Cons: Limited customization compared to code.

#2. Code Method (Recommended for Developers):

  • Involves writing PHP code using the register_post_type() function.
  • Allows for more granular control and customization.
  • Pros: More flexible, future-proof.
  • Cons: Requires coding knowledge.

Implementing CPTs Using Code (Recommended for Developers):

#1 Create a Plugin:

  • Create a new folder in your WordPress plugins directory (e.g., my-custom-post-types).
  • Inside the folder, create a PHP file (e.g., my-custom-post-types.php).

#2. Write the Code:

  • Open my-custom-post-types.php in a text editor.
  • Paste the following code, replacing placeholders with your desired values:
   * Plugin Name: My Custom Post Types
   * Plugin URI:
   * Description: Create custom post types in WordPress.
   * Version: 1.0
   * Author: Your Name
   * Author URI:
   * License: GPLv2 or later
   * Text Domain: my-custom-post-types

   function create_my_custom_post_type() {

       $labels = array(
           'name'                => __('My Custom Posts', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'singular_name'       => __('My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'menu_name'            => __('My Custom Posts', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'parent_item_colon'   => __('Parent My Custom Post:', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'all_items'            => __('All My Custom Posts', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'view_item'            => __('View My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'add_new_item'         => __('Add New My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'add_new'             => __('Add New', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'edit_item'            => __('Edit My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'update_item'          => __('Update My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'search_items'         => __('Search My Custom Posts', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'not_found'            => __('No My Custom Posts found', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'not_found_in_trash'  => __('No My Custom Posts found in Trash', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'featured_image'        => __('Featured Image', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'set_featured_image'    => __('Set featured image', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'remove_featured_image' => __('Remove featured image', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'use_featured_image'    => __('Use as featured image', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'archives'             => __('My Custom Post Archives', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'insert_into_item'      => __('Insert into My Custom Post', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'filter_items_list'     => __('Filter My Custom Posts list', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'items_list_navigation' => __('My Custom Posts navigation', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           items_filter'          => __('Filter My Custom Posts', 'my-custom-post-types'),
       $args = array(
           'labels'               => $labels,
           'description'          => __('My custom post type for specific content.', 'my-custom-post-types'),
           'public'                => true, // Set to `false` for a custom post type that is not publicly queryable
           'has_archive'           => true, // Set to `false` to disable an archive page
           'menu_icon'             => 'dashicons-book', // Use a built-in WordPress icon or a custom path to an icon
           'supports'              => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail'), // Supported features like title, editor, thumbnail, etc.
'menu_position'        => 5, // Set menu position (e.g., below Posts)
           'show_in_nav_menus'    => true, // Allow inclusion in menus
           'rewrite'             => array( 'slug' => 'my-custom-post' ), // Set custom URL slug
           'taxonomies'            => array('category', 'post_tag'), // Associate with existing taxonomies (categories, tags)

       register_post_type( 'my-custom-post', $args );

   add_action( 'init', 'create_my_custom_post_type' );

Explanation of Code:

  • Plugin Header: Provides basic information about your plugin.
  • create_my_custom_post_type Function:
  • Defines $labels array for customizing text labels displayed in the admin area.
  • Defines $args array with configuration options for the custom post type.
    • labels: Uses the defined $labels array.
    • description: A brief description of your custom post type.
    • public: Set to true to make the post type publicly accessible.
    • has_archive: Set to true to enable an archive page for the custom post type.
    • menu_icon: A dashicon code or path to a custom icon for the menu.
    • supports: An array of supported features (title, editor, thumbnail, etc.).
    • menu_position: Sets the position of the CPT menu item in the admin sidebar.
    • show_in_nav_menus: Allows the CPT to be included in navigation menus.
    • rewrite: Controls the CPT’s URL structure with the slug parameter.
    • taxonomies: An array of existing taxonomies (categories, tags) to associate with the custom post type.
  • register_post_type Function: Registers the custom post type using the provided slug and arguments.
  • add_action Hook: Registers the create_my_custom_post_type function to run on the init hook, ensuring it runs when WordPress initializes.

Customization Options:

  • Replace placeholders like 'my-custom-post-type' with your desired values.
  • Modify the $labels array to customize text labels in the admin area.
  • Adjust the $args array to configure various aspects of your custom post type.

Activating the Plugin:

  1. Upload the my-custom-post-types.php file to your WordPress plugins directory.
  2. Go to your WordPress admin panel (/wp-admin/).
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  4. Find “My Custom Post Types” and click Activate.

Additional Considerations:

  • For more advanced customization, explore additional options in the $args array documented in the WordPress Codex
  • Consider testing your custom post type thoroughly before deploying it on a live website.

By following these steps and customizing the code to your specific needs, you can effectively create custom post types in WordPress to manage your website’s content more effectively.

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