Digital Marketing Seo training in Rajkot

Digital Marketing Seo training
Learn from the experts about Google AdWords, Keyword
Targeting, Display Ads, Mobile Advertising and lots more.

Program Benefits

This program is designed in association with Google India to address the growing demand for competent digital marketing professionals.

Get Certified in Digital Marketing by Leading Digital marketing expert Sagar Ganatra

Intensive face-to-face sessions with Sagar Ganatra Digital Marketing expert faculty having Industry experience of more than 5 years

Hands-on learning through Live Digital marketing Projects

Job Placement assistance for students.

Program Details

The Digital Marketing seo training Program offers students a fresher perspective in online marketing in the global scenario.

My aims to provide students a thorough understanding of digital marketing concepts with the help of live projects, case studies and world class training methods.

•   2-month program spanning 60 hours of learning engagement (35 hrs classroom training, 15 hrs self learning & 10 hrs project)
•   Access to self learning content for 3 months to learn at your convenience
•   Classroom training from Digital marketing sagar ganatra the seo expert faculty who are Industry Experts , having more than 5 years of Experience
•   Live projects for hands-on learning. Run your own Campaigns
•   Placement assistance on successful completion of the program

Fee Structure:
•   Beginners and Advanced Module – Rs. 9,9999 + service tax

Course Structure

Detailed Syllabus

Modules    Topic
ON Page Optimization     

•  What is On-page Optimization
•  Keyword Research with Google Keyword Planner
•  How to select Domain Name?
•  Page Naming {URL Structuring} and Folder Naming
•  Headings Tags {H1 to H6}
•  What is Content Writing?
•  SEO Friendly Content Writing {Insert keywords in content}

ON Page Optimization- Advanced
•  Anchor Text, Link Title
•  Robots.text file use and creation
•  HTML Sitemap creation
•  XML Site Map Creation
•  Site Tracking Tools (Google Webmaster Tool, Google Analytics Tool)
•  Why is Alexa?
•  Alexa Integration

Off Page Optimization  
•  Introduction
•  Back links & How to get it
•  Search Engine Submissions
•  Tools to Analysis off page

Off Page Optimization -Advanced   
•  Directory Submissions
•  Article writing and submissions
•  Press Release writing and submissions
•  Blog posting and comment writing
•  Classifieds posting
•  Forum Posting
•  Business Listing
•  Social Bookmarking
•  Social Networking
•  RSS Feeds
•  Link Exchange (one way, two way and three way)

Search Engine Algorithm   
•  How Algorithms Works?
•  Why Search Engine need to update it’s Algorithm?
•  Search Engine Penalties and Recoveries.
•  Why Search Engine penalize a website?
•  What is Google Panda Algorithm?
•  What is Google Penguin?
•  What is Google EMD Update?
•  How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update?
•  How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD?

Search Engine Marketing Overview
•  Understanding Google search
•  Rule based professionalization of marketing at internet scale
•  Overview of Google Adwords, Microsoft AdCenter and Yahoo Search Marketing

Pay Per Click Overview & PPC Campaign
•  PPC definition & it’s functioning
•  Important Terms – Quality Score, Conversion Rate etc.
•  Quality Score Overview
•  Setting objectives, goals & expectations
•  Actionable metrics for performance measurements
•  Formulating account structure
•  Effective segmentation of keywords
•  Usage of multiple match types
•  Non-overlapping Ad Groups

Advanced Strategies   
•  Ad- Writing Techniques
•  Campaign Management
•  Bid Management Plan
•  Effective Landing Page
•  Reporting & Analysis
•  Display Campaign
•  Display Planner
•  Best Strategies

Inbound Marketing     
•  Performance Monitoring and Reporting
•  Optimizing Performance
•  Performance, Profitability, and Growth
•  AdWords API

•  Introduction
•  Navigating Google Analytics
•  Traffic Sources
•  Tools
•  Visitor Analysis

Social Media Marketing
•  Strategies for Social Media Platforms
•  Case Study
•  Use of Advanced Tools Managing Social Media Campaign

Advance eCommerce Seo
•  eBay SEO
•  eCommerce All Platform SEO
•  Plugin Installation Guide & Designing Theme Setup Guide.

Other Benefits
Money Back Guarantee *CA
Introductory Price :- 9,999/-
Weekend/Weekdays Batch Available on request.
17 + Candidates trained

Who should attend this course?
Students with a Management or Engineering background
Individuals / beginners seeking career opportunities in the marketing domain
Professionals who want to shift to digital marketing or those who are beginners in the field of digital marketing
Marketing professionals who use digital marketing to meet their marketing objectives

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